The Hooksett Historical Society offers its condolences to the family of Dorothy Robie 1918-2014.
Mrs. Robie was the royalty of Hooksett. She graced our town with service, with her love of all and her kindness towards friend and stranger alike.
In a sense the 20th century has now ended with the passing of a truly remarkable lady who continue to make her presence known.
In the 4 year pilgrimage of Presidential Hopefuls she commanded an audience with these individuals who could have and did become the most powerful persons in the world. She was the a friend of all and a true friend of the Historical Society. The History of Hooksett was her Families History. The Burbanks/Robies were that unique family that embodied our town. She will be missed

in memorial

Society seeks help

With last years construction of the new ramp into the Prescott Library, the building needs to be cleaned and displays reorganized.
We also seek help on scanning and inventory of our collection. Any one interested please contact us here at the HHS- 315 0084

Society meeting cancelled

The meeting on April 24,2014 has been cancelled. I hope to have the program reschedule. The HHS apologies for the inconvenience
We do have two programs for May and June. The May program will be on the 1938 Hurricane and the June program on the last days of the battle
of Gettysburg. With the new ramp at the Prescott look for more open houses this spring and summer

China Dragon Lighter

china dragon lighter

the above is a recent purchase for the society

HHS annouces May meeting program

A Preview of the End of the World: The Great New England Hurricane of 1938

On September 21, 1938, a massive hurricane hit New York and New England, to the surprise of all residents. The Great New England Hurricane, one of the most destructive storms in American history, caused more than six hundred deaths and $400 million in property damages. What made this storm unique? In this illustrated lecture by Historic New England Program Manager Shira Gladstone, learn about the impact and aftermath of the Hurricane of 1938 .

hurricane 38

Society Supports Old Town Hall

The membership recently approved a letter to be sent to support Old Town Hall and its moose plate grant request. The Letter stated
The Hooksett Historical Society would like to extend its support for the
proposed work to be funded in their grant application. Our old Town Hall has
been the focal point of town history since 1828. The Historical Society, whose
home is in the Prescott Library, built in 1909 and sits next door, applauds the
efforts of the Old Town Halls Preservation Committee in rehabilitating the
building and its wonderful tin ceiling. The funds from the conservation license
Plate grant program is key to this worthy project.
The Hooksett Historical Society is fully supportive of this endeavor and
hopes to take advantage of the restored building by holding meetings, events and
using it for the possible expansion of its historical displays. The society is proud
of our towns history and having two buildings , both on the State Historic Registry,
open for the citizens to enjoy and glimpse its past heritage is worthy of our great
town. We hope that the conservation license Plate grant program will consider this
application and provide funds to this great cause and help save Hooksett oldest
public building. Please help save our Towns Halls tin Ceiling.

The Amoskeag Manufacturing Company

The Amoskeag Manufacturing Company — A Mile of Mills in Manchester
This general talk presents the story of the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company which built a mile of brick
factory buildings along the banks of the Merrimack River in Manchester. The company was a major
producer of cotton textiles, and was also a pioneer in the manufacturing of steam-powered locomotives
and fire engines. Through photos, artifacts, and readings from original documents, participants will gain
insight into what it was like to work in the Amoskeag Millyard. This Historical Society Program will be on Thursday May,22,2014 at the Hooksett Public Library at 630pm. A brief business meeting will take place prior to the Presentation

Amoskeag Manufactoring